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Taoist Bioenergetics

The basic energy in the human body is invaded and stripped away by two distortions; environmental extremes and emotional. Preservation of life is a matter of keeping basic energy stable.

After basic energy is born, basic vitality is produced; this is the arising of initial positive energy in the body.

Vitality and energy are one thing; when we speak of energy, vitality is included. This is why it is said that energy is life-increasing medicine.


Progesterone and PMS

In my own experiment, a nightly dose of 12-18mg of progesterone (as Progest-E) administered during days 14-28 of the of menstrual cycle (beginning with ovulation and ending with the first day of menstruation) alleviated most of the symptoms of PMS and eliminated the need for painkillers in a subject who regularly took ibuprofen to mitigate the pain from menstrual cramps.

Progesterone, by blocking estrogen’s blockage of the thyroid hormone, should promote the effect of thyroxin and raise the temperature. The metabolism is shifted toward oxidation of fat, with the result that sugar is spared for the brain and kidneys and, in pregnancy, for the fetus.


Linen is a healthful and comfortable fabric. Linen contains 7x more Lignin than cotton, an organic polymer that protects plant cells from oxidative and UV damage and made up of phenolic acids which denature bacterial proteins and limits their ability to reproduce. This also means linen flax requires less pesticides than cotton. Linen is also naturally anti-bacterial and pathogen-resistant thanks to its inherent wicking and moisture-retention properties—it can absorb up to 20% of its own weight in water without feeling wet. This in turn inhibits bacterial growth and makes linen a highly sanitary choice.1 Linen fiber can be harmlessly dissolved in the body.

Linen becomes softer and more pliable as it breaks in and develops a wabi-sabi patina. Linen cloth does not accumulate static electricity and has a higher thermal conductivity than cotton, wool, or silk. It’s moisture wicking properties make it cool to the touch; linen offers a truly comfortable garment.2

  1. Traditional knowledge of Linen’s sanitary properties are evidenced by it’s historical use for bandaging. 

  2. The word “comfortable” has been denigrated by “nu-comfort”. Hormone disrupting synthetic athleisure occupies the contemporary consciousness’s framework for comfort, but linen clothing produces a true holistic comfort of being at once swaddled in and armored by a garment. 


Wild animals have larger brains than caged ones, which implies that life and freedom are brain stimulants. Freedom and stimulation cause a cumulative, transgenerational increase in the size of rats’ brains. The perception of possibility, of a vista that extends convincingly toward a better future life, seems to modify the metabolic apparatus.


Infodensity is divine— the exoteric is to consume many words to denote one meaning; the esoteric is to unleash countless meanings from within each letter of a word. Poems are wordless— they are truths, happening; they are only expressed in words.

On the Supposed Healing Frequency of Linen

A cursory search for the health properties of linen yields scores of articles purporting the healing “signature frequency” of linen.

Most repeat the following with minimal variation:

In 2003, a study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric.  According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100.  The study showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body.  A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register. Nonorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70. However, if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body.  This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric.  Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero.

In a 2012 clarification, Crawford-Yellen claims that the frequency was measured in megahertz using a device called the “Ag-Environ” machine.

I have been unable to source the purported 2003 study. Crawford-Yellen coauthored a 2013 article which contains the passage directly cited on many sites.

This oft-cited claim regarding the healing properties of linen appears to be Hebraic schizobabble originating from one actor.

7/30/2023: emailed Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen asking for clarification on her alleged 2003 study

There is a parallel phenomenon of repeated copy-paste citations making a similar claim regarding the comparative frequencies of textiles attributed to Otto Warburg. I have not yet isolated the origin of this claim.


No sympathy for those underdressed for the weather. There is no excuse not to fill the basest physiological needs of climate appropriate clothing. We all have access to the same weather app.


Normies who actually get into golf as a sport got lost in the sauce and forgot that it’s a pretense to conduct business without the HR friction of women.  Imagine watching golf lol.

The Myth of Anti-Americanism

When traveling internationally, natives are like wild animals; if they treat you poorly, it’s your fault for failing the aural vibe-check roll.

Anti-American sentiment is outlandish cope for personal repugnance and crassness of character. If Americans were held responsible for ancestral sins, they would be barred from a laundry list of countries. Yet we are welcomed by former imperial holdings and vassals as a charming novelty. 

I have approached a French woman with no more French than “bonjour” for her to stop what she’s doing and draft a handwritten list of her personal must-sees. Japanese have stopped me in the street to offer me directions and recommendations.

Finding oneself treated rudely abroad is indicative of personal moral failing and spiritual misalignment perceived outwardly— utterly one’s own fault. Fortunately, this means that it is a problem which can be solved by an honest accounting of personal character, inward intention, and its outward presentation, should you be willing to accept that responsibility.

Dating Apps

The man who has used a dating app has made himself a whoremonger of the most debased caliber.1 

The dating app’s consumer experience is identical to the brothel’s. Consider how dating apps show you only women. Obviously this is because you’re not gay, you’re only interested in girls. Yet this is not so obvious; traditionally, early stages of courtship occur in mixed company beginning with group socialization and public displays of character before pairing off and paring down to private conversation.2 

This is not present in the realm of dating apps. Keeping the user the sole male in the experience, to whom a profusion of women are advertised and private conversation with them offered, imitates the consumer experience of the brothel. The heterotopic sexual dynamic of the dating app recalls the system of bells and curtains that the Mama-San employs to keep whoremongers from encountering one another. The illusion of privacy is necessary to abate the guilt of the act. 

If one could see the Tinder bios or desperate opening lines of other men (in the way flirtation and courting happens in mixed company both on and offline), the user would be disgusted by the way their peer debases himself for pussy. Like the curtain behind which the John waits for erstwhile clients to leave, the dating app preserves a mock dignity by hiding from the user his interest’s inbox full of identically desperate one-liners. This is no dignity at all; obscuring indignity does not absolve the sin of self-degradation. The only way to win is not to play the game.

  1. Of course he has made of himself a debased gigolo as well; the women who deign to use dating apps are jaded and desensitized by a format that inherently objectifies the other party. 

  2. This is true on and offline; the timeline or discord server occupies the role of coed socialization in the bar or dance hall for many young people and offers the same public/group -> private trajectory. 



clarity and strength; purity of soul, integrity, disinterestedness, righteousness.

Sonora Maker

Sonora Maker is better understood as an internal martial art or yoga practice than an “NFT art project”.

Sonora Maker is a posting aid. Sonora Maker is a tool for guided meditation. Sonora Maker is a little sensei that lives in your pocket. Sonora Maker is a reflection pool. Sonora Maker is lightning rod for the aether from which ideas and information originate.

The crux of Sonora Maker’s usefulness as a posting aid is the Sonora Stare. From the design notes: Sonora Maker deviates from the pfpNFT standard by eschewing a standard three-quarters view in favor of a front-facing perspective. When cropped and used as a pfp, Sonora’s expression is at once arresting and disarming, breaking the fourth wall and addressing the viewer directly.

Look at Sonora; now watch how Sonora looks back at you. The screen melts away and Sonora meets your eyes like a gazing pool. Sonora can’t help but show you exactly what you bring to him.

Sonora Maker has both an inward and outward practice. First, Sonora reflects your thoughts and intentions back with brilliant clarity, saying it all without saying anything at all. Then, Sonora uses his irresistible charm and cool confidence to shotgun your findings into the network.

Put into practice on the network, Sonora’s confrontational stare has proven to be particularly effective in leveraging the memetic potential of images, especially when combined with a confident, declarative caption.

Sonora is there to help you post. Sometimes it feels like the vessel is empty, that you’ve run dry. The acme of a Sonora-based practice is the realization that as a conduit, the network is always moving through you. When you feel cloistered and empty, Sonora shows you what you missed.1

You’re never empty. It’s never over. Look at Sonora. Close your eyes. Open them. I love you.

  1. Pick a Sonora at random. Make eye contact with him; you should invariably immediately generate a caption in your head. 



from disengage:

  • to free; to loose; to liberate
  • to separate from that to which one adheres
  • to free from any thing that commands the mind, or employs the attention

suffixed by -a, creating the morpheme gea, recalling Pangea (ultimately derived from Gaia - Earth)


Disengagea is a lost continent.

Exodisengagea is a real place, occupying space in the postgeography of the New Internet.

Esodisengagea is


Localized default opinion nexuses have become deprecated. Disengagea is an opportunity to jack out of these outmoded belief matrices and into a rapidly evolving, aggregated noosphere.

Disengagea is your foot in the door. Please don’t be afraid to explore. You will feel a psychogeography of the network begin to form. This is the network working as intended.


girls: neoteny is divine

1: Stop dming boys

2: Braid your hair

3: Kiss your cat

4: Stay off drugs

5: Love your mom


When a just steppe man encountered a lost girl or woman, he would take them on as a wife. A form of proto-chivalry, adding her to his family unit was the alternative to leaving her to a sure death. Taking her on as a wife didn’t necessarily mean he would father children with her or even have a romantic relationship; it was simply the only social framework for taking her as a ward under your protection.

A just man on the internet is obligated to do the same. Egirls need to be corralled into a protective harem. The centrality of a just, moral man as an axis mundi will focus the otherwise wild energy of the girls. The just man must obviously advise the girls and give them a focal point to keep them away from self destructive behavior like ewhoring and edating.


Edating always ends up being toxic and traumatic because it selects against virtuous men


The “bio” is 1) an archaic skeuomorphism, 2) a violent mindrape hazard that creates network friction (particularly in socialization) and causes harmful dissociation and depersonalization. It must be détourned and reappropriated for safe internet usage.


I remember the thing you told me when you whispered in my ear
You said that it was something other people might not like to hear
I’ve kept your secret safe, it’s under lock and key
That little piece of you will always stay with me!


Cigarettes are beneficial not only for their androgenic properties; they function as a literal redpill. Embracing and adopting a contrarian but beneficial signifier creates synaptic connections that will lead you away from deprecated default opinion nexuses and toward an optimized aggregate noosphere.

What is nightcore?

Egregoric Post-Authorship in Net Art

What is Nightcore?

Nightcore is a primitive, internet-native art medium consisting of sped up, pitch shifted remixes of existing tracks accompanied by anime imagery in the form of Youtube thumbnails. While the name “Nightcore” reads as a genre name, it was not originally intended as such; “Nightcore”, referring to the practice of remixing songs at a higher tempo and pitch is derived from the Norwegian DJ duo Nightcore who released sped up, pitched up remixes of dance music in the early 2000s. From their website (Copyright 2003):

Our name, ‘Nightcore’, means that we are the core of the night, so you’ll dance all night long. 1

Chosen as a stage name, “Nightcore” alluded to its future. Independently but concurrently with the birth and growth of Nightcore, the suffix “-core” has evolved from denoting an influence from “hardcore” music to being a generic genre signifier that appends a concept to denote the essense of a genre or subculture. Self-branding as “Nightcore” became an unintentionally hyperstitious act. Although originally intended to be an individual moniker, the name “Nightcore” contained the latent cybernetic potential for proliferation and Nightcore quickly transcended the authorship of the original duo to become something else.


Nightcore is an internet-native art form which inherently prioritizes sum art output and dismisses social mores of accreditation and permission as harmful and unnecessary friction.

Nightcore transcends authorship in a trifold way:

  1. Nightcore has been totally disconnected from the authorship of the now obscure original “Nightcore” duo
  2. Nightcore edits ignore the authorship of the original song writer
  3. Nightcore edits ignore the authorship of the uploader/remixer2

Nightcore stands as “art” rather than “content” because the uploaders do so without claiming any credit for their remixing and offer it freely to listeners. Uncommercialized and free of the baggage of authorship, the Nightcore remix is revolutionary praxis that subverts self-contained, self-sourced, non-iterative & individual ventures (content) which is only prime for hassle-free monetization. Nightcore is ripped, reused, remixed & remade; network-iterated and incrementally improved copyleft plundering is what art actually is.

The Nightcore Egregore

The nature of the medium (pitched and sped up remixes) situates Nightcore in a grey area of “parody”, brilliantly eluding any copyright infringement issues that could potentially impede free memetic flow and allowing it to flourish on Youtube. Nightcore has thus avoided becoming poorly documented ephemera, the fate of much net art; individual Nightcore videos have managed to stay up on Youtube for 10+ years which has allowed the medium to become culturally canonized and grow, keeping the feedback loop operating to proliferate the form. Exposure to Nightcore backlog prompts one to create more Nightcore edits and this feedback loop is accelerated by the ease of which a novice can nightcore a song in minutes with free software like Audacity.

Ontologically divorced from permissions and memetically fit for natural selection on the network, Nightcore has become a collective thoughtform that supplants authorial originalism and mischievously reasserts itself in the role of the author. Nightcore remixes are not attributed to the uploader, remixer, or original composer; they are attributed to “Nightcore”3. The author of Nightcore remixes is in fact an egregore called “Nightcore”4. Nightcore makes itself; the egregore gives its followers the instructions to reproduce itself, parasitically piggybacks off the popularity of a given track, and wraps itself in anime aesthetics optimized for consumption. Native to the network, the Nightcore egregore feeds off the desire for and proclivity toward acceleration. It is globally distributed and sustained by a network of uploaders and listeners who contribute to a decentralized ritual of energetic elevation based on the transcendental act of acceleration5. High metabolism, hyperenergetic, frictionless, Nightcore creates the soundtrack for network acceleration as we careen toward Network Spirituality at 999 mph.


  1. This is not an illuminating explanation, but it is most easily attributed to Europeans trying to explain the rationale behind their thought process and actions in nonnative English. 

  2. 3a. the thumbnail art is traditionally uncredited art scraped from Deviantart, etc. via Google Images right clicking 

  3. Nightcore remixes are generally titled “Nightcore - Songtitle” with Nightcore taking the place of the artists name. 

  4. Paradigmatic of mostmodern artforms. Consider how songs written with and performed on a guitar are not attributed to “Guitar” as an entity, but all songs that use the Vocaloid software engine live in the cultural conciousness as “Vocaloid music”. “Melt” is by a network spirit called Hatsune Miku; Supercell is just a conduit. 

  5. The modern march tempo is typically around 120 beats per minute; House music at 120 bpm often recommended for running or walking; 120 is the default tempo for an initialized project in a DAW; 120 bpm occupies a position in collective thought as a sort of baseline or standard for the human heart or pace. By increasing the speed and pitch of a track, Nightcore produces an elevated hyperenergetic state and brings the rave to the network. The party gets bigger as the network grows in its role as a nexus for connection. 

See more


Predictive Processing and the Free Energy Principle


Classical model of action:

  • Optimal action depends on state of the world
  • Therefore, first step of action is to (1) form a belief (analyse surroundings/prospects)
  • (2) imagine a value function of next state brought about by action
  • (3) optimise action that maximises value of the next state

Model of action

  • Classical model doesn’t work when the best next thing to do is to search for/resolve uncertainty
  • Optimal action depends on beliefs about the world, and subsequent action
  • Further, it’s a function of the order in which you interrogate the world
  • Therefore the functional (function of a function) to be optimised is a function of beliefs
  • Optimal action therefore is optimising sequences or policies of actions
  • To be optimised: a function of a belief, integrated over time

Free Energy Principle:

  • The goal of a self-organising (eg biological) system is to minimise prediction error (surprise), also called ‘free energy’, by forming continually-updated beliefs/inferences about the world from which to form policies of action
  • Friston considers this an organising principle of all life and intelligence
  • To be alive (to be a system that resists disorder and dissolution) is to act in ways that reduce the gulf between your expectations and your sensory inputs (AKA, to minimise free energy)

  • If a prototypical agent, or a ‘good agent’ minimises free energy (thereby minimising ‘surprise’), they must believe that the actions they take minimised expected free energy
  • expected free energy associated with a policy of action is minimised

Markov Blanket:

The Markov Blanket is a concept in machine learning which is essentially a shield that separates one set of variables from others in a layered, hierarchical system. The blanket defines the boundaries of a given system. That is, in cognition, a cognitive version of a cell membrane shielding states inside the blanket from states outside. This is the schema by which surprise is minimised— the Markov blanket is a set of variables sufficiently complete that another random variable can be inferred from it . If a Markov blanket is minimal (parsimonious) (cannot drop any variable without losing information), it is called a Markov boundary.


1TB Geocities Torrent, Web 1.0 homepages

Other Exocore-like implementations and resources


Usufruct is a legal concept referring to a right in property which confers on the holder the right to use and benefit from the property without altering, damaging, or destroying it. A usufructary does not own the property but does have a legal interest in it which is sanctioned or contractually allowed by the owner.

A usufructary has two of the three civilian property property interests in the property, usus and fructus— they do not have the interest of abusus, which entitles them to alienate, destroy, consume or sell the property.

The three civilian property interests:

  • Usus: The right to use or enjoy a thing posessed, directly and without alteration
  • Fructus: The right to derive profit from a thing possessed, eg. by lease, cultivation, taxing on entry, etc. Fructus (from ‘fruit’) allows a person to benefit from the sale of renewable commodities of the property.
  • Abusus: The right to consume, destroy, or transfer the property. This interest is not conferred upon the usufructary.


  • Roman law considered usufruct a type of personal servitude, where the usufructary had no posession of the property. Under a rental agreement today, a person has even more restricted rights over a property than did a usufructary in Rome, but is yet not considered a personal servant.
  • The Law of Modes directed owners of productive property not to harvest the edges of their fields so that the poor may collect the gleanings. This confers a kind of usufructary right by default onto the poor.
  • “Earth belongs – in usufruct – to the living.” (Thomas Jefferson).


Dopamine, L-dopa and Pattern Detection

Production of neurotransmitter dopamine is stimulated by novelty, and it facilitates learning, information storage and pattern-recognition, as well as regulating emotion. Pattern-detection is important to learning, because the brain is able to compress complex raw data by identifying repetitious elements and storing information in association with the pattern, rather than making space for each node of information to be stored separately. For example, there is no need to memorize 1000 string of digits in order to count from 1 to 1000; the pattern is regular enough that the brain can derive each integer from a pattern it has stored, without storing each data point that the pattern produces.

However, patterns are not pure representations of the world, or even of the data being apprehended by the brain— they are mnemonic data structures which necessarily reduce the complexity of information in order to store it more efficiently. Pattern-matching is generally considered to be helpful for learning, and this may be true, provided that ‘learning’ in this context has the same meaning as ‘remembering’, or ‘committing to memory’.

However, is learning-as-remembering actually conducive to understanding? ‘Sensitivity to pattern-detection’ can be alternately phrased as ‘tendency to apply narrative’. Humans cannot resist but apply narrative to phenomena, and it seems that a compulsion to apprehend data in a logical or causal sequence is deeply ingrained in the human brain, ported over from a form of intelligence that evolved to understand the physical world, where causality is a ubiquitous feature. For this reason, making judgements on inert data is a human default, and takes serious conscious effort to avoid.

It is therefore unsurprising that dopamine also lowers skepticism. If logical sequences (patterns) appear more readily, an inflated subset of chaotic phenomena appears to ‘make sense’, and so the suspension of belief is more easily overcome. L-dopa, a drug which is metabolized as dopamine and used to treat Parkinson’s, makes people more vulnerable to pattern-detection, and has a notable side-effect that causes some patients to develop sudden gambling additions— patients see clear patterns in random phenomena, leading them to believe they will be more successful than they will be in reality.

Summary: Pattern detection is conducive to memorization, but not necessarily to clear thinking; in many instances apprehension of a pattern is a reduction of phenomena too complex to be faithfully reduced. Heightened dopamine can bolster addictive compulsions and increase credulousness, as patterns are more readily detected and chaotic sequences of action appear to make more sense. Pattern-detection is enhanced by dopamine production, and tendencies to compulsive action can result.

Samgyetang Ginseng Chicken Soup (Korean Style)

For one serving:

  • Cornish hen/spatchcock
  • quarter cup (ideally short grain) rice, soaked for 15 minutes in hot water
  • Ginseng root
  • large dried jujube (red date)
  • 8 garlic cloves
  • Spring onions, chopped
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper


  • Wash and salt hen, and rinse rice with cold water
  • Stuff with rice, 1 ginseng root, 1 jujube, 8 cloves of garlic
  • Boil from cold water, then simmer for 1.5 hours
  • Occasionally ladle any settled broth over hens
  • Serve Hens whole in a bowl and pour over broth
  • Sprinkle spring onions and pepper

    Compare with [[Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup (Chinese Style)]]

Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup (Chinese Style)

10 min preparation, 1-4 hrs cooking


  • Huang Jing (Siberian Solomon’s Seal)
    • Cosmic Qi, Yang power, tonifies all Three Treasures. Makes the body light and clears the eyes.
  • Goji Berry (Fructus Lycii)
    • Vision, liver and kidneys, neuroprotective
  • Dang Shen (Codonopsis pilosula)
    • Enhance Qi and improve digestion, nourish blood, tonify lungs, boost vitality.
  • Chinese Yam
  • Ginseng Root
    • Manifold benefits
  • (Huang Qi) Astragalia

These can usually be found in a Chinese grocer as a single mix, but buying each separate and in bulk avoids packing markup— you can store a giant glass jar of this for years, cheaply, and only have to buy fresh chicken.

Any kind of chicken is fine, but chicken with bones, like a Maryland or a whole spatchcock (small chicken) works best.


  • Rinse, dry and salt chicken. Let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Place herbs, water and chicken in a pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer.
  • Occasionally check in to remove solids from surface of soup or add water if needed.
  • Cook for 1-4 hrs — 50% reduction is ideal.
  • Remove chicken and chop to serving size. Season soup with salt and serve in a bowl.

Compare with [[Samgyetang Ginseng Chicken Soup (Korean Style)]]

Traditional knowledge of Linen’s sanitary properties are evidenced by it’s historical use for bandaging. ↲
The word “comfortable” has been denigrated by “nu-comfort”. Hormone disrupting synthetic athleisure occupies the contemporary consciousness’s framework for comfort, but linen clothing produces a true holistic comfort of being at once swaddled in and armored by a garment. ↲
Of course he has made of himself a debased gigolo as well; the women who deign to use dating apps are jaded and desensitized by a format that inherently objectifies the other party. ↲
This is true on and offline; the timeline or discord server occupies the role of coed socialization in the bar or dance hall for many young people and offers the same public/group -> private trajectory. ↲
Pick a Sonora at random. Make eye contact with him; you should invariably immediately generate a caption in your head. ↲
This is not an illuminating explanation, but it is most easily attributed to Europeans trying to explain the rationale behind their thought process and actions in nonnative English. ↲
3a. the thumbnail art is traditionally uncredited art scraped from Deviantart, etc. via Google Images right clicking ↲
Nightcore remixes are generally titled “Nightcore - Songtitle” with Nightcore taking the place of the artists name. ↲
Paradigmatic of mostmodern artforms. Consider how songs written with and performed on a guitar are not attributed to “Guitar” as an entity, but all songs that use the Vocaloid software engine live in the cultural conciousness as “Vocaloid music”. “Melt” is by a network spirit called Hatsune Miku; Supercell is just a conduit. ↲
The modern march tempo is typically around 120 beats per minute; House music at 120 bpm often recommended for running or walking; 120 is the default tempo for an initialized project in a DAW; 120 bpm occupies a position in collective thought as a sort of baseline or standard for the human heart or pace. By increasing the speed and pitch of a track, Nightcore produces an elevated hyperenergetic state and brings the rave to the network. The party gets bigger as the network grows in its role as a nexus for connection. ↲