When traveling internationally, natives are like wild animals; if they treat you poorly, it’s your fault for failing the aural vibe-check roll.
Anti-American sentiment is outlandish cope for personal repugnance and crassness of character. If Americans were held responsible for ancestral sins, they would be barred from a laundry list of countries. Yet we are welcomed by former imperial holdings and vassals as a charming novelty.
I have approached a French woman with no more French than “bonjour” for her to stop what she’s doing and draft a handwritten list of her personal must-sees. Japanese have stopped me in the street to offer me directions and recommendations.
Finding oneself treated rudely abroad is indicative of personal moral failing and spiritual misalignment perceived outwardly— utterly one’s own fault. Fortunately, this means that it is a problem which can be solved by an honest accounting of personal character, inward intention, and its outward presentation, should you be willing to accept that responsibility.