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Index of Wiki Notes (By most recent)
and PMS In my own experiment, a nightly dose of 12-18mg of progesterone (as Progest-E) administered during days 14-28 of the of menstrual cycle (beginning...
is a healthful and comfortable fabric. contains 7x more Lignin than cotton, an organic polymer that protects plant cells from oxidative and UV damage and m...
Etymology from disengage: to free; to loose; to liberate to separate from that to which one adheres to free from any thing that commands the mind, or employs th...
When a just steppe man encountered a lost girl or woman, he would take them on as a wife. A form of proto-chivalry, adding her to his family unit was the alternative t...
Edating always ends up being toxic and traumatic because it selects against virtuous men
is a legal concept referring to a right in property which confers on the holder the right to use and benefit from the property without altering, damaging, or ...
Dopamine, L-dopa and Pattern Detection Production of neurotransmitter dopamine is stimulated by novelty, and it facilitates learning, information storage and pattern-r...